Friday 17 July 2009


If I don’t try, will you?
If I don’t dream, will you?
If I don’t know, will you?

Throwing a thought
Touching a wonder
Spell it again: say not

Distant walks
Tricking tricks
Unfitted memory: say not

If I don’t cry, will you?
If I don’t fight, will you?
If I don’t hold, will you?

If I don’t touch, will you?
If I don’t stop, will you?
If I don’t fall, will you?

Winter veils
Roots of feather
Iron steps: say not

Wishes disclosed
Turning right
Knifing words: say not

If I don’t scream, will you?
If I don’t choose, will you?
If I don’t hide, will you?

Friday 22 May 2009


I could give you the kiss of Death
But it’s heavy as a stone
It shines blindly
It tastes sour
It’s not for you. It’s not.

I could give you the kiss of Death

Would lift you while you dream
Would carry you through the lake of silver
Would crown you the king of light

There, where there is time
There, where there is no time

Would carry your sorrows
Would unbundle fears
Would cradle you to a restless sleep

There, where there is pace
There, where there is no pace

I could give you the kiss of Death
But it’s heavy as a stone
It knows no limits
It weighs the mass of an unknown galaxy
It’s not for you. It’s not.

I could give you the kiss of Death

Friday 10 April 2009

CryStal tEars

Rushed hairs
Velvet paradise
Menus of caprices
Stop requests

Shattering lives with a saw of ice
Resting fears patiently
Ridden by bottled symptoms

I will hold your crystal tears
In these hands of sin

Betting lights
Erosive walks
False sleep

Collapsing words as falling leafs
Glittering ashes as ink stains
Digesting time

I will hold your crystal tears
In these hands of sin

Pocketless veins
Awakening yawns
Wondering certainties

Raving silence in an empty scream
An emancipation of a pure thought
Hiding anger in a mother’s womb

I will hold your crystal tears
In these hands of sin

Healing veins
Absorbing raptures
Ageing beat

Enquiring naivety in a cue of time
Requesting change for a priceless vision
Digging excuses for a murderous act

I will hold your crystal tears
In these hands of sin

Thursday 19 March 2009


This is the valse of the clothes on a rope

The red says left!
The blue says not here!
The green says right!
The yellow says you are touching me!

This is the valse of the clothes on a rope

The red says center!
The blue says there!
The green says embrace!
The yellow says you are stepping me!

1, 2, 3
The wind quiets dissonances
The sun dries tears

This is the valse of the clothes on a rope
A rhyme!
A race_____Caught you!

1, 2, 3
The leafs whisper warmth
The pollen heals wounds

A golden dance
A poised chaos
Caught you!

This is the valse of the clothes on a rope

The red says watch out the cat!
The blue says one leg!
The green says the shadow of I!
The yellow says step on me again!

Thursday 12 March 2009


Tell me again,
Since when?

The velocity of a rolling square
The ovulation of balance
The pile of forgetfulness

Tel me again,
What scares you?

The transgression of a captured picture
The desert of limits
The keyless doors of entrances

Tell me again,
What scares you?

The generous supply of a collector
The metallic knots of a flag
The encased glimpses of nodding

Tell me again,
What scares you?

The steadiness of speech
The women of God
The velocity of life

Tell me again,
Since when?


In the box of life
Wrapped by common disguise
Lays hidden the mask of you

Rushed steps
Fast reading
Stops requested

In the box of life
Wrapped by common disguise
Lays hidden the mask of you

Tapped talks
Guarded secrets
Insulted visions

In the box of life
Wrapped by common disguise
Lays hidden the mask of you

Lays abandoned
Lays resting
Lays tranquil
Growing tired

Dotted phrases
Arrested words
Imprisoned hopes

That mask of yours
Was torn in little pieces today

It arrived
To it’s final arrival
To it’s final departure
To it’s final destination

In the box of life
Wrapped by common disguise
Lays now the wings of a revolutionary angel

Monday 9 March 2009


Walking to and fro
Taking it gently. Talking with silence.

He carries bags that have maps
Maps of numbers
Maps of heart beatings
Maps of sleepless nights

He carries bags that have smells
Smells of closeness
Smells of ink
Smells of stops

Walking to and fro
Taking it gently. Talking with silence.

He carries bags that have winds
Winds of sound
Winds of stone
Winds of Atlantic waves

He carries bags that have numbers of time
Numbers of time trying
Numbers of time flying
Numbers of time re-arranging

Walking to and fro
Taking it gently. Talking with silence.

Pushed out to live
Pushed out to his first forced sonorous scream
Crossing hands. Crossed legs.
He waits. Waits.

He carries an invisible bag
The bag that weights the most.

Taking it gently. Talking with silence.

Friday 13 February 2009


Right there. Close but not that far closed.
Just there.
Can skin and tin hands.

Right there. hold. hold tight.
Is a short ride
A ride with no horses
Just human lungs
Just human blood
Just human liver
Ah_________! the liver.

Right there. Close but not that far closed.
Just there.
Olive tongue and rosemary nails.

Right there. hold. hold tight.
Is a sour joke
A joke with no laughter
Just rewind steps
Just rewind stories
Just rewind moments
Just rewind periods
Ah______________! the periods.

Right there. Close but not that far closed.
Just there.
Smoky mouth and cocaine saliva.

Right there. hold. hold tight.
Is a night with no bed
A bed with no warmth
Just a rainy season
Just a rainy tear
Just a rainy body
Just a rainy thought
Ah___________! the thoughts.

Right there. Close but not that far closed.
Just there.

Wednesday 17 December 2008


aquela primeiRa palaVra é sempre mais difícil de arranhar, arrastar, de marcar no papel.______

Wednesday 6 August 2008

BlueBath of Silence

Silence has betaken the breathe of combustion

Touches apart
Quests forgotten
Broken veins
Healed speeches

Row now to the unconquered steps
Row now with no paddles
Row now with no eyes

Drown in that silence
You shall die in peace
Think of it and what
Remember why and when
The combustion of beating

Wide open and close
Is then
Is then
Touches apart
Quests forgotten
Broken veins
Healed speeches

Poisoned wishes
Poisoned desires
Poisoned living
Is now
Is now

Five, Sing, Three, Shout
It’s gone
It’s gone

Burning scars
Burning steps
Burnings fleshes
Burning devotions

Touches apart
Quests forgotten
Broken veins
Healed speeches

So it was
So it was
So it goes
So it goes


Saturday 19 July 2008


Good night morning breeze…

Is I that need to look into
Is here that I shall sail
With no regrets
Within I

Good morning night embrace…

It was then
I lost the pace
Forgot why and looked high above
It was then
I knew why

See me by
Passing gently
Painting winds
Growling sounds
By is begone
By is betaken

It was I that became the eye
Torn of it’s own disguise

Embracing breezes
Embracing I’s
Embracing tides

Good night gentle shadow

Monday 9 June 2008


Aos suicídios psicológicos
Despem-se as carpetes de boas vindas
Dá-se as boas vindas ao estilhaço da vida

Aos suicídios psicológicos que encontram poisos
Dá-se um empurrão ao vazio das vontades

Aos suicidas psicológicos
Bebe-se um copo e escutam-se as suas palavras

Ao tempo que chamam tempo
O tempo de um agora
O tempo de um momento
Ao tempo dos tempos que passa despido
Vestem-se os suicídios psicológicos
Lambem-se as ilusões
Cospem-se as boas vindas

Não esqueças
Não esqueças
Não esqueças o esquecer

Não esqueças
O medo de não ter medo
O sonho de não ter sonho
O sangue de não ser sangue

Escreve a faca na parede
Não esqueças
Não esqueças
O circo dos suicídios psicológicos

Escreve a faca na parede
O outro que queres ser
Escreve a faca na parede
Deixei de escrever
Escreve a faca na parede
Esqueceste-te que a faca não é faca

Não esqueças
Não esqueças
As histórias que não são histórias
As lágrimas que não são lágrimas

Escreve a faca na parede
Garfo gasto, garfo gasto
Escreve a faca na parede
Não sentes assim? Não sentes assim?

Não esqueças
Que eles, os suicídios psicológicos
Dormem meninos
Falam adultos
Sussurram velhos
Tomam rumos nos vagares do tempo

O tempo que anda despido



the words that aren't lost in the way..the ones that stay..the ones that fly in the open air....

Monday 2 June 2008


Sou o sangue enjaulado no sangue
Sou o vento que estremece o ventre do mar
Sou a carne que arranco da terra
Sou a manhã sem sono perfumado

Quem quiser sentir uma pedrada, atire-a primeiro.
Quem quiser muitos quereres, atire-se a eles.

Não cantam os sonhos mandados
Não falam as bocas cozidas
Não tocam as marés escondidas

Sou o espanto que voa descalço
Sou a gente sem folhas
Sou a nave mendiga

Dispam-se as vontades!
Dispam-se os encontros!
Dispam-se as mentiras!
Dispam a noite do dia!
Dispam o dia da noite!

Sou palavras cantadas da rua
Sou a mão que me habita
Sou batimentos de fígado
Sou um soletrar do lodo


Monday 28 April 2008


Thank you Mr., Thank you Mr.!
For the ride today
I paid a ticket without price
I got a ticket for a ride

Thank you Mr., Thank you Mr.!
For not telling me which day is today
I asked for it without an answer
I got which day you want me by!

Thank you Mr., Thank you Mr.!
This is the thing that you step in
This is a shoe wasted by you

Let me some units
Let me some laugh
I will pay for the ride without price
Again, and again

Bag your house
Bag your wheel
Cus we are falling into the cycle route

Bag your pants
Bag your flag
Looking we will
For another ticket without price

Garbage it out
Spell it out
I’m taking you in this ride
The ride of whatever’s
The ride of stops

Bag it in
Bag it in
We are going, we are going!
Thank you Mr., Thank you Mr.!


